Accessing Webvisu remotely to a Pi with a Cellular USB dongle

  • rotemse - 2019-07-28

    I am running the Codesys runtime on RPI 3B+.
    How can I access the webvisu HMI remotely? the pi is located in a different network than the development environment.
    The PI is connected to the internet with a USB 3G cellular dongle. (no WIFI available there)

    Is this possible?

    Is it also possible to access the codesys development mode remotely? (change the Codesys code remotely)
    Of course, it should only be possible with a password or something...


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-07-29


    there are several posibilities:

    1. If you just wan't to use the webvisu without much configuration this would be an easy option: ... ccess/vnc/
      enable sudo raspi-config the vnc under interfaces.
      Then register to VNC and have this device accisible via any pc.
      (use http://localhost:8080/webvisu.htm on the local chromium later then)
    2. Sure you could connect the pi if you know the IP, but then I would recommend to install VPN.. etc Then CODESYS login an Webvisu access is possible
    3. Automation Server to maintain the application ( there is a Beta test at the moment) whit this you do the CODESYS Changes on your
      PI and if needed monitor variables.

    Personally I use 1) and 3) to maintain my Pi's which are distributed in different locations.


  • rotemse - 2019-08-11

    Hi Edwin,
    Thanks for your reply. I was able to see the Webvisu via RealVNC.

    For servicing the system, I would like to be able to login to the Codesys control and monitor the process.

    1. Sure you could connect the pi if you know the IP, but then I would recommend to install VPN.. etc Then CODESYS login an Webvisu access is possible

    I couldn't connect to the remote RPI. I tried entering the global IP of the PI (Found it via w w ) as the gateway and as the device itself with local IP entered as the gateway. Both didn't work. Do I need to do port forwading? do you have a working example?
    How do I do it with VPN?

    1. Automation Server to maintain the application ( there is a Beta test at the moment) whit this you do the CODESYS Changes on your

    How do I configure the RPI to do that?



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