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[ Windows ] How to Restart PLC in CMD line ? ( a Stop followed by a Start )

  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-03-27

    Sometimes, after a system reboot event, I have to manually restart the PLC runtime.

    I mean, even being already started after boot ( as can be seen on the Windows taskbar), I have to STOP and START the PLC runtime by mouse click in order to have everything working.

    So, is there any tricky way to do that in any native Windows script language, such as CMD or POWERSHELL ?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-03-27

    I guess that way for the 32Bit Control Win:

    net start “CODESYS Control Win V3”
    net stop “CODESYS Control Win V3”


    net start “CODESYS Control Win V3 - x64"
    net stop “CODESYS Control Win V3 - x64"

    for the 64Bit version



    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-03-27
  • alrcastro

    alrcastro - 2020-03-27

    Thank you very much, works like a charm !


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