Serial Com Close Always xBusy

  • ekmekci - 2017-04-27


    I am using SerialCom in raspberry pi.
    Working of serialcom is OK.
    Open port is OK.
    Writing port is OK.
    Reading port is OK.

    I can get data from my sensor, I can send data to my sensor.

    When i try to close port,
    I get xBussy warning always.

    I have if state with start variable.

    IF start TRUE THEN execute is OK ( port is opening )
    com.write execute is OK ( i can send data to sensor ) execute is OK ( i can get data from sensor )
    com.close execute is not OK ( i always get close bussy warning )

    Could you please help me.

  • ekmekci - 2017-04-29

    Some one can help me please.
    When i unplug USB while raspberry pi is working.

    USB port cannot close.

    When i plug USB device again, ttyUSB0 can change ttyUSB1.
    So, i have to restart raspberry pi.

    I need help about it

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-04-30


    hm.. would recommend to close the com port before removing the USB Serial...
    and /etc/udev/rules.d/serial-symlinks.rules you need to google for udev to prevent
    USB is getting differnt Interface numbers.


  • ekmekci - 2017-05-05

    Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
    hm.. would recommend to close the com port before removing the USB Serial...
    and /etc/udev/rules.d/serial-symlinks.rules you need to google for udev to prevent
    USB is getting differnt Interface numbers.

    Dear Edwin,

    I am trying to close the com port before removing the USB Serial.
    But as i said, i am getting xBusy error.

    I have already linked my usb devices.

    I dont understand why comport is not close when i say "close" to the port.

    you can see my serial links in attached files
    What i need to do

    IMG: 2.JPG

    IMG: 1.JPG

  • ekmekci - 2017-05-09

    I think no one have idea about it.


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