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raspberry pi codesys keeps failure problem

  • mmxfan - 2021-08-17

    I have a very strange problem happens on my newly purchased raspberry PI 4B+. Codesys program always goes error several seconds after its service(codesyscontrol) restarted. It keeps going to the error status even I restart codesys service by shell command. “sudo systemctl restart codesyscontrol”

    I’ve tested the same SD card on another old PI 4B+ with the same 4GB RAM. It works fine without any problem. Is there any log files or config files I can supply so that you can help me on this problem?

  • mmxfan - 2021-08-17

    my log file.

  • mmxfan - 2021-08-17

    Plus both scan funtion fail to find my new PI 4B+ in codesys IDE.

  • mmxfan - 2021-08-17

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-08-17

    Are you using latest runtime version?
    check if your new Pi4 has a new MAC Id, in compare to the other.

  • mmxfan - 2021-10-12

    Jira from codesys support team told me that I need to use or higher version of runtime. And it solves my problem.


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