how to change webvisu.htm from port 8080 and root directory?

  • DDP - 2015-05-28

    I have apache2 running on RPi, it listens to port 80.
    I can access the webvisu from inside the network at internalip:8080/webvisu.htm or from the rpi at localhost:8080/webvisu.htm
    I can not access from outside the network. I have a domain that is hosted on the RPI, and the domain is on port 80 not 8080.
    I tried to modify the /ETC CODESYSControl.cfg file telling it to use port 80, but then webvisu is not working at all.
    I want to have my index.php (set up in /var/www) be able to link to webvisu.htm, but codesys copies the files to /root/visu which is locked unless you use sudo su...and it still wont display through apache, gives error you dont have permission...

    I want apache to be able to access webvisu.htm and run it on my website without something weird like w w
    I would accept that if I could figure out how to run it like that but it doesnt work. I try a link to localhost:8080/webvisu.htm but will not work on any other computer, only the rpi

    I read in the online help file of Codesys I can install a path of webvisu.htm but, I am unclear if I just type /var/www/:80/webvisu.htm?
    I know there has to be a way, but I cant find much help..

    sorry for rambling, basically how do I change the webvisy directory and port?

  • Anonymous - 2015-05-28

    Originally created by: M.Schaber

    DDP hat geschrieben:
    I have apache2 running on RPi, it listens to port 80.
    I can access the webvisu from inside the network at internalip:8080/webvisu.htm or from the rpi at localhost:8080/webvisu.htm
    I can not access from outside the network. I have a domain that is hosted on the RPI, and the domain is on port 80 not 8080.
    I tried to modify the /ETC CODESYSControl.cfg file telling it to use port 80, but then webvisu is not working at all.
    I want to have my index.php (set up in /var/www) be able to link to webvisu.htm, but codesys copies the files to /root/visu which is locked unless you use sudo su...and it still wont display through apache, gives error you dont have permission...
    I want apache to be able to access webvisu.htm and run it on my website without something weird like
    I would accept that if I could figure out how to run it like that but it doesnt work. I try a link to localhost:8080/webvisu.htm but will not work on any other computer, only the rpi
    I read in the online help file of Codesys I can install a path of webvisu.htm but, I am unclear if I just type /var/www/:80/webvisu.htm?
    I know there has to be a way, but I cant find much help..
    sorry for rambling, basically how do I change the webvisy directory and port?

    If you put both webvisu and apache on port 80, it will not work as only one process can listen on the same port at the same time.

    Maybe you could use the apache mod_proxy or mod_rewrite to forward webvisu requests to CODESYS?

  • DDP - 2015-05-28

    M.Schaber hat geschrieben:
    If you put both webvisu and apache on port 80, it will not work as only one process can listen on the same port at the same time.
    Maybe you could use the apache mod_proxy or mod_rewrite to forward webvisu requests to CODESYS?

    hey great! thanks for the tip, I will look into that. Since Im totally new to this (apache and codesys) I dont even know what to research. I will look into this

  • DDP - 2015-05-28

    Hmmm I think I found apache module proxy_http can do the job. proxy_html sounds interesting but I don't thinks available for raspberry.... Thanks again

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-05-29

    another (maybe much easier) option would be to configure the apache webserver for another port (8080)
    and use the CODESYS webserver (Change it to Port 80) and use 'Navigate to Url (Webvisu)' feature

    Navigate URL (WebVisu)
    if you set Parameter 2 'replace' the URL will open in the same browser window
    if you leave Parameter 2 empty the URL will open in a new Browser Tab


    Edwin Schwellinger
    3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH

    IMG: Navigate_to_Url.png

  • DDP - 2015-05-31

    Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
    another (maybe much easier) option would be to configure the apache webserver for another port (8080)
    and use the CODESYS webserver (Change it to Port 80) and use 'Navigate to Url (Webvisu)' feature
    Navigate URL (WebVisu)
    if you set Parameter 2 'replace' the URL will open in the same browser window
    if you leave Parameter 2 empty the URL will open in a new Browser Tab

    Edwin Schwellinger
    3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH

    hmmm Im a little confused on this... if I switch codesys to port 80, and apache to 8080... whats the difference?
    Im sorry what is "Parameter 2"? Where do I find this?

  • DDP - 2015-05-31

    ohhh, I googled codesys navigate to url. brilliant! I will have to try this. thank you so much. still a little unsure on changing ports. I found webvisu and apache cant both listen to same port...

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-05-31

    just change the apache port to 8080 (probably in etc/apache2/ports.conf)

    and add in /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg the following section:



    Edwin Schwellinger
    3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH

  • yannickasselin1 - 2016-04-09


    I am trying to do something similar in order to be able to access my Webvisu using Weaved.
    Weaved seems to look for an index.html and I cannot tell it to look for Webvisu.htm.
    I changed the name from Webvisu to Index but still did not work.
    Anyone succeeded using Weaved with Webvisu???

    Thank you.

  • yannickasselin1 - 2016-04-09

    By the way,

    Weaved just released a video showing how to use Weaved to connect to Codesys runing on the Raspberry Pi from anywhere.
    Very cool, but I never was able to get the gateway running and couldn't test the iPhone app to log on the webvisu because I have an Android phone.

    If anyone is able to get the gateway running through Weaved please tell me how you did it.

    Thank you.

    Edit: You can find the video here: m


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