Licensing info not available.

  • wmoon - 2024-03-19


    I bought some licenses from CODESYS store.
    I am trying to install licenses into my device(CODESYS Control for Linux ARM64 SL). But I have a trouble with it.

    I did it in the following order.

    1. Tool -> License Manager
    2. Selected Device and Next...
    3. Selected Soft container and Next...
    4. Select the device and Ok..
    5. And then I always show a message "Licensing info not available. There is no dongle attached to the device."
    6. And I tried to click "Install Licenses" button. I saw the message "The value cannot be NULL. Parameter name : continerToLicenses"

    Could you let me know what I've missed or what I've got wrong?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-03-19

    check on cli on your device
    'cmu -x'

  • wmoon - 2024-03-20

    That command can't excute on my device.

    I installed CODESYS into Hilscher's product using container

    Here is the Docker file what I used.
    I'm not sure if this docker file have a problem.
    If it have a problem, please let me know how to download the files into my device using ftp server.

    FROM arm64v8/debian:11.6
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN apt-get install -y wget sudo unzip libusb-1.0-0-dev procps
    ENV URL "$CDS_VERSION/CODESYS%20Control%20for%20Linux%20ARM64%20SL%20$CDS_VERSION.package"
    ENV EDGE_URL "$EDGE_VERSION/CODESYS%20Edge%20Gateway%20for%20Linux%20$EDGE_VERSION.package"
    RUN wget --output-document=/tmp/codesys.package $URL && \
    unzip -p /tmp/codesys.package 'codemeter.deb' > /tmp/codemeter.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/codemeter.deb && \
    unzip -p /tmp/codesys.package 'codesyscontrol.deb' > /tmp/codesys.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/codesys.deb
    RUN wget --output-document=/tmp/edge.package $EDGE_URL && \
    unzip -p /tmp/edge.package '*arm64.deb' > /tmp/edge.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/edge.deb
    EXPOSE 11740 1217 11743
    ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c" , "/etc/init.d/codesyscontrol start && /etc/init.d/codesysedge start && tail -f /dev/null"]

  • SuperJojo2002 - 2024-03-20

    I checked it using the very same docker container version like colleague moon and the command returned

    root@nt0001c02c5533:/# cmu -x
    cmu - CodeMeter Universal Support Tool.
    Version 7.60c of 2023-Aug-09 (Build 5625) for Linux/ARMHF 64-Bit
    Copyright (C) 2007-2023 by WIBU-SYSTEMS AG. All rights reserved.
    Result: 0 CmContainer(s) listed. (CodeMeter not running)

    Please consider that we intend to license a codesys ARM64 SL in a docker container.


    Last edit: SuperJojo2002 2024-03-20
  • SuperJojo2002 - 2024-03-20

    I just want to highlight, that we intend to use the codesys runtime on an embedded device that has no possibilites to connect any dongle devices to. It is an edge IO-Link master with an 1.6GHz ARM computer running inside that has an embedded linux running and a Docker container engine:


    Last edit: SuperJojo2002 2024-03-20
  • SuperJojo2002 - 2024-03-20

    If support for a containerized CODESYS runtime with a license isn't feasible, then I've considered an alternative approach:

    I've purchased and activated a "CODESYS Control Basic S" license on my Windows notebook, where I already have the Codemeter Control Center installed. Upon activation, I can see the CODESYS license as active on my notebook.

    Subsequently, I followed the instructions provided in this link ( to configure the Wibu runtime in the CODESYS container to access my external license server hosted on my notebook by editing the CODESYSControl_User.cfg file accordingly.

    However, it's worth noting that I'm still receiving a response from the Licensing Manager indicating that the runtime is persistently searching for a dongle instead of recognizing the soft container.

    So how can I get my runtime licensed now? Any ideas?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-03-20

    Currently the CODESYS Control Basic S license is not a network license but it should be, so I guess it doesn't work yet

  • SuperJojo2002 - 2024-03-21

    I recognized that I have to start the two services "/etc/init.d/codemeter" and "/etc/init.d/codemeter-webadmin" in the docker container as well.

    If I do so, then the command "cmu -x" returns

    root@sensoredge-field-netfield-produktmanagment:/# cmu -x
    cmu - CodeMeter Universal Support Tool.
    Version 7.60c of 2023-Aug-09 (Build 5625) for Linux/ARMHF 64-Bit
    Copyright (C) 2007-2023 by WIBU-SYSTEMS AG. All rights reserved.

    So this time there is no indication any more that "Codemeter is not running". But still we are getting the error when using the license manager in CODESYS development system.

  • SuperJojo2002 - 2024-03-21

    I updated the docker container runtime to version and build the container with this "Dockerfile"

    FROM arm64v8/debian:11.6
    RUN apt-get update 
    RUN apt-get install -y wget sudo unzip libusb-1.0-0-dev procps
    ENV URL "$CDS_VERSION/CODESYS%20Control%20for%20Linux%20ARM64%20SL%20$CDS_VERSION.package"
    ENV EDGE_URL "$EDGE_VERSION/CODESYS%20Edge%20Gateway%20for%20Linux%20$EDGE_VERSION.package"
    RUN wget --output-document=/tmp/codesys.package $URL && \
        unzip -p /tmp/codesys.package '*codemeter*.deb' > /tmp/codemeter.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/codemeter.deb && \
        unzip -p /tmp/codesys.package '*codesyscontrol*.deb' > /tmp/codesys.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/codesys.deb
    RUN wget --output-document=/tmp/edge.package $EDGE_URL && \
        unzip -p /tmp/edge.package '*arm64.deb' > /tmp/edge.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/edge.deb
    EXPOSE 11740 1217 11743
    ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c" , "/etc/init.d/codemeter start && /etc/init.d/codemeter-webadmin start && /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol start && /etc/init.d/codesysedge start  && tail -f /dev/null"]

    Now cmu -x" returns

    root@sensoredge-field-netfield-produktmanagment:/# cmu -x
    cmu - CodeMeter Universal Support Tool.
    Version 8.00 of 2023-Nov-28 (Build 5967) for Linux/ARMHF 64-Bit
    Copyright (C) 2007-2023 by WIBU-SYSTEMS AG. All rights reserved.

    But still CODESYS development system reports that it needs a dongle and when I click install that "value cannot be null. Parameter name: containerToLicenses"

    It seems that Codemeter is forced to look for a dongle instead of a CMsoftcontainer.

    Can you confirm that CODESYS licensing works also when CODESYS is installed in a Docker container?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-03-21

    will send out vplc preliminary version...!

  • kevinrn - 2024-03-21

    I'm facing a similar issue. @eschwellinger, can you also send me a preliminary version?

    Thank you in advance.


    Last edit: kevinrn 2024-03-21
  • joschi2804 - 2024-04-08

    I am facing the same issues. I've tried it with codesyscontrol version (codemeter version 7.60.5625.503) and with version (codemeter version 8.0.5967.500).

    @eschwellinger, can you send me also a preliminary version of it, please?

    Thanks in advance


    Last edit: joschi2804 2024-04-09
  • joschi2804 - 2024-04-11


    I've added some additional log output. Maybe this helps in figuring out the root cause. I've turned logging and verbose mode on for the CodeMeterLin application and I get the error, that some entry is not found.

  • rafaelbrito - 2024-05-22


    I'm having the same problem. I'm trying to license Codesys running in a Linux container, which I downloaded from the following link ( The same error that you mentioned appears. Is there any solution?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-05-23

    we recommend to do it with the official virtual plc version..will send a version.

  • gennady - 2024-07-09

    I'm having the same problem. But I used HCFA PLC, the error message is same.

  • joschi2804 - 2024-07-10

    maybe this fixes your problem. At least this was our issue back then.
    We tried to run the codesys runtime environment on an embedded Linux system.

    The problem on our side was that we changed the WORKDIR directory in the /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol script to /home/user/codesys, but we forgot to copy all files (including the hidden files) from the initial WORKDIR (I am not sure but I guess the initial WORKDIR was /var/opt/codesys) to the new one.
    After copying those files and restarting codemeter and codesyscontrol, we were able to upload licenses.

    Hope this help


  • fmbrew-rob - 2024-09-21

    Was there ever any resolution to this? I am using Virtual Control SL on a ProxMox setup, and I can't get the license installed. I get the same errors reported above.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-09-23

    you need a license server on the host or on any system in your environment.

  • fmbrew-rob - 2024-09-24

    I do have a license server installed. Can you point to a document or ANYTHING that shows how to configure this virtual control to properly do licensing?


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