Unable to deploy Virtual Control SL on ARM64 (Raspberry Pi5)

  • aliazzz

    aliazzz - 2024-07-28


    I have successfully deployed "Virtual Control SL" on a few x86/64 machines now.
    However, I'd now like to deploy this to a Raspberry Pi (ARM64). To do this I prepared the Raspberry Pi5 with the following prereq's;
    * Minimal PREEMPT Debian
    * Latest Bootfirmware
    * full SSH access via non-root account
    * Podman
    * RedHat Cockpit with CODESYS LicensServer plugin up and running

    However, I can't seem to resolve copying the correct (deploy) Images as they wont show up in the CODESYS IDE

    1. I have added CODESYS Virtual Control for Linux SL and the CODESYS LicenseServer for Linux SL via the CODESYS installer on my DevBox.
    2. I open CODESYS > Tools > Deploy Control SL
    3. Next I enter the SSH targets IP and Credentials and for my RPi5 and it shows "Connected".
    4. In the next tab, Deployment, the dropdown box only shows one (1) image, which also is the incorrect CPU architecture.
    5. Only Virtual Control AMDx64 shows up (!?) while I expect to see the ARM64 based images for both Edge and Control.

    Has someone encountered this too? I'd like to hear other people experiences with Virtual Control deployment on ARM based architecture.

    attachment 1:
    AMD64 based deployment pulldown menu (correct images)

    attachment 2:
    ARM64 based deployment pulldown menu (incorrect images)



    Last edit: aliazzz 2024-07-28
  • aliazzz

    aliazzz - 2024-07-28

    An interesting remark for CODESYS Support. I found this after looking through the Runtime Deploy Tool messages

    when I connect to an AMD64 architecture
    Successfully Connected to Target ( {MyIP} - AMD64 )

    when I connect to an ARM64 architecture (Raspberry Pi5)
    Successfully Connected to Target ( {MyIP} - )

    As clearly seen in the attached .png, the AMD64 target is detected, while the ARM64 target architecture is not detected (displayed).
    I assume that this is the reason why the pulldown menu isn't populated correctly.


    Last edit: aliazzz 2024-07-28

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