Short description of my problem: I am using Rpi as EtherCAT controller for FlexiPro ( branding Servotronix) servodrive. It works perfectly as motion controller. The FlexiPro contains 11 inputs and 6 outputs. They are operated by means TxPDO and RxPDO. I am able to read all inputs, but outputs are permanently on zero. If I am trying to write a 1 to some output variable, I can see a change for a while and then it is rewrited to 0 again. Physical output doesn't change. Outputs are operated by means CAN object 60FEH, subindex 1. The subindex 2 is used for output masking. I set a proper mask before cyclic operation of outputs. I have to notice, that I tested to send required outputs by means of SDO. It works. It means the issue must be somewhere in I/O mapping. Have you any idea what I am doing wrong?
not sure if this works with the DS402Generic Driver but you could give this a try:
Set the outputs to example:
the same exits to get the inputs from the drive:
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Short description of my problem: I am using Rpi as EtherCAT controller for FlexiPro ( branding Servotronix) servodrive. It works perfectly as motion controller. The FlexiPro contains 11 inputs and 6 outputs. They are operated by means TxPDO and RxPDO. I am able to read all inputs, but outputs are permanently on zero. If I am trying to write a 1 to some output variable, I can see a change for a while and then it is rewrited to 0 again. Physical output doesn't change. Outputs are operated by means CAN object 60FEH, subindex 1. The subindex 2 is used for output masking. I set a proper mask before cyclic operation of outputs. I have to notice, that I tested to send required outputs by means of SDO. It works. It means the issue must be somewhere in I/O mapping. Have you any idea what I am doing wrong?
IOmapping.pdf [67.21 KiB]
could you attach the ESI file of the drive?
Actual XML file is in atachment
MPC_FPRO_PC0_RV0.xml [391.08 KiB]
Where can I find it?
not sure if this works with the DS402Generic Driver but you could give this a try:
Set the outputs to example:
the same exits to get the inputs from the drive: