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Configure Raspi Runtime single/multi core

  • audi0615 - 2021-07-27

    I'd like to install the CODESYS raspi runtime by installing .deb file (without using "Update RaspberryPi" in CODESYS IDE)
    After installation, what is the default setting of single/multicore selection? single core?
    and where could i change the setting? (CODESYSConfig.cfg?)

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-07-27

    In /etc/CODESYSControl_User.cfg


    For MC: armv7l
    For SC: armv6l

    I am pretty sure the default is armv6l.


    Last edit: i-campbell 2021-07-27
  • audi0615 - 2021-07-27

    thanks you so much.
    i appreciate your help.


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