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RPI and Robotic Arm

  • DavidCozens - 2017-01-17

    I've used CODESYS for some time, but never used the soft motion aspects. I was thinking of connecting up one of the cheap robotic arm kits to a Raspberry Pi to educate myself in how to use software.

    Has anyone already experimented with this and got something working?

    What would be a good set of bits to use with a high likelihood of success?

    I don't have any real application in mind, just moving objects around my desk.

  • chris.beard - 2017-01-17

    DavidCozens hat geschrieben:
    I've used CODESYS for some time, but never used the soft motion aspects. I was thinking of connecting up one of the cheap robotic arm kits to a Raspberry Pi to educate myself in how to use software.
    Has anyone already experimented with this and got something working?
    What would be a good set of bits to use with a high likelihood of success?
    I don't have any real application in mind, just moving objects around my desk.

    There is a good example on the forum.

    See forum.codesys.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=6247

    Soft motion servo example.

    It also comes downloaded when you download the codesys control for raspberry pi

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


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