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Difference Between Runtime and Target Support Packages

  • kanakk2 - 2023-05-19

    Hello, i am new to CodeSys and was asked to check the PLC Connection with a project and was wondering what is the difference between a Target Support Package and Codesys Run time application for the PLC. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You

  • Fless

    Fless - 2023-05-19

    Hi, the target support package is for the codesys IDE so you can program plc applications for your device.
    You have to install it via the add-ons in the codesys installer (or package manager for older codesys installations).

    the run time application is on your device so it can run the application. it's preinstalled on your plc,
    on other devices like raspberry pi you have to install it.

    note. make sure the target support package and run time got the same version.


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