mairhofer - 2020-08-18

This is more of a bug report.

With Codesys V3.5.15 and the latest V3.5.16.1 there is a problem with the Ethernet/IP implementation.
I have a device that is installed via EDS and has three Input assemblies 100, 101 and 102. There are 3 possible connections to each of these assemblies preconfigured in the EDS, "Listen only", "Input only" and "Exclusive Owner".

I am using an Allen Bradley scanner to realize the Exclusive Owner connections and configured three Listen Only connections (one for each assembly) in Codesys. This results in Codesys opening and closing connections with equal connection IDs, generally very weird behavior on the bus and in the end it will take the data of one connection and use it for all three.

I also tried this with Codesys V3.5.14 where it worked as expected!