Sharing Data between OS and Runtime

  • - 2018-05-13

    Hello All
    I've been researching methods to allow better data manipulation of tag data without resorting to clunky IEC61131 code.
    With this, I believe the answer is to expose the tag data to the OS hosting the runtime.
    I know that Beckhoff are using Codesys and have a library that can expose runtime tag data to a .NET application running on the host OS.

    Can this be done with a base CODESYS installation running on a Linux OS (Raspberry Pi)?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-05-15

    Raspberry Pi has an embedded OPCUA Server,
    so I would suggest to use a OPCUA Client on your .NET application.


  • - 2018-05-24

    Thanks for the response @Edwin But this wont work if I want to share data on an application or service on the Pi?
    Would I really have to go out and back through the ethernet port again just to get data?
    What if I wanted a Java program - would I have to program a native bridge in C++?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-05-27

    Sure this will work on the same Pi.
    No data will be send over the network if you are using the local connection... localhost.


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