Thank you dkugler, but I couldn't get the exmaple to work.
It says "No module named cv2"
I followed the instructions but still get the error.
When I run the script outside of Codesys it runs without the error.
UPDATE: I just found out that Codesys is running Python 2.7.7
Not sure why the example docs says to install 3.4 and higher...
Last edit: spiritcore 2021-06-27
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:

I managed to install the OpenCV package with the help of this guide:
But now when I try to run the example CameraStreamOpenCVExample.project the download of the CmpOpenCV library failed.
How can I get that library?
I recommend you take a look at the current example from codesys:
Thank you dkugler, but I couldn't get the exmaple to work.
It says "No module named cv2"
I followed the instructions but still get the error.
When I run the script outside of Codesys it runs without the error.
UPDATE: I just found out that Codesys is running Python 2.7.7
Not sure why the example docs says to install 3.4 and higher...
Last edit: spiritcore 2021-06-27