Raspberry and problem with runtime

  • karol-abktech - 2024-02-14

    My problem is with raspberry pi 4 with 2 GB ram,.
    Install codesys is correct but runtime works only few seconds or I can connect with device few seconds.
    I can ping raspberry and in system info I can see " !!!! Warning: no runtime license - running in demo mode(~2 hours)" but it is 2 minutes after runtime. When I press Start runtime I have another few seconds when I can connect to raspberry. After this time I couldn't find device. Of course, reapet start runtime works every time on few second.
    Raspberry is new and works with fresh install raspberry os 32 bit.

    Where should I start looking for solve of my problem ?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-02-14

    will be solved with release scheduled tor 20th February

  • Peter.skokanek - 2024-02-27

    Similar problem, I have license for Raspberrypi Control MC SL. It didn't work with version I have now instaled new version Raspberrypi Control SL. The same behavior, runtime works sometime several minutes, sometime only several seconds. The second problem is with license. There isn't available any runtime MC SL on Codesys shop, not even older version Is it only temporarily or, MC SL will be not available more for rpi?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-02-27

    Are you using Bookworm and which Rasperry PI? Check the logfile with ssh connection
    tail -f /var/opt/codesys/codesyscontrol.log

    It should work with release.
    Just use the ABL licenses - (check the license metrix of your application)

  • Peter.skokanek - 2024-02-28

    Yes, I am using Bookworm and Raspberry 4B.
    What does it mean ABLlicences?


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