Can't program my raspberry

  • seedbarrett - 2018-05-29

    Hello everyone

    I'm currently having an issue, and I start to get out of idea to fix it. I'm working with a Raspberry 3B and CODESYS 3.5 SP10.
    I use CODESYS without any graphical user interface. Usually, after updating my raspberry with my new code, it makes restart the raspberry. The problem starts few days ago, I don’t know why. At first, everything was ok. But currently, when I upload my software into my raspberry, it’s like he can’t boot anymore. I must flash again my microSD card with a brand new Jessy.
    I think it’s a configuration problem, because I can use another computer normally to flash my raspberry, but I can’t find the problem. I feel like it’s a gateway error, but everything looks normal.
    Do you have any idea to help my investigation? Maybe you know this problem?

    Have a good day everyone,
    And thanks for helping me.

  • plcmax - 2018-05-30

    Could you download the application or is even this connection the problem?
    Would use current version on both sides (CODESYS and Pi) and delete the bootapplucation for the
    case that a corrupt bootapplucation is causing this problem.
    You'll find it here:

  • seedbarrett - 2018-05-30

    hi plcmax,

    I can download the application, but I don't know if it work, because doesn't start again.
    I didn't find bootapplication, even when I flash my raspberry with a working computer, the opt/ folder stay empty. But PuTTY still works, wich mean the linux system is still ok, it's more like Codesys doesn't start

  • plcmax - 2018-05-30

    For 3.5SP10 this is in /root/.
    I would update to 3.5SP12... current version.
    Best Regards

  • seedbarrett - 2018-06-15

    By doing an update it worked for few weeks and now... Same problem, I really don't understand why. I guess it's my ethernet configuration the problem, because it's still works with another computer, but my settings looks simillar. I'm really confuse currently.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-06-16

    check the logs on your Pi.

    cat /tmp/codesyscontrol.log

    is this now current Version of the Pi runtime?

    Please try to use the embedded Gateway in the Pi to Login from your PC.

  • seedbarrett - 2018-06-19

    hello ! I've checked like you told me, (i didn't even knew this log file exist, and it's full of informations, thanks you)and here is the lines with error=1 :

    1499876234: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=4, Error=1, Info=2, pszInfo=**** Creating Iec task failed: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>Task_Container</task>]
    1499876234: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=4, Error=1, Info=2, pszInfo=**** Creating Iec task failed: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>Task_Main</task>]
    1499876234: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=4, Error=1, Info=2, pszInfo=**** Creating Iec task failed: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>Task_Motor</task>]
    1499876234: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=4, Error=1, Info=2, pszInfo=**** Creating Iec task failed: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>Task_Network</task>]
    1499876234: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=4, Error=1, Info=2, pszInfo=**** Creating Iec task failed: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>Task_Second</task>]
    1499876234: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=4, Error=1, Info=2, pszInfo=**** Creating Iec task failed: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>Task_Serial</task>]
    1499876234: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=4, Error=1, Info=2, pszInfo=**** Creating Iec task failed: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>Task_Sound_Play</task>]
    1499876234: Cmp=CmpIecTask, Class=4, Error=1, Info=2, pszInfo=**** Creating Iec task failed: App=[<app>Application</app>], Task=[<task>Task_Sound_Record</task>]

    It looks like the task aren't created. Thanks a lot, you really help me, i had no idea where to start, and now i can go on investigations again

    I'm currently using the runtime "codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.10.0.deb" the same I use since the beginning. It's really hard for me to upgrade this, since I have some devices used in industrial purpose. I would like to keep all my raspberry under the same version of the runtime, for tracability and homogeneity

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-06-20

    hard to say why this happens.(leak in the OS that you could not create tasks anymore)
    But anyway if you just update the runtime by using only the Debian package (3.5.12.x) and deploy this with
    your CODESYS 3.5SP10 Version to your PI - this will work!
    The runtime is Interface compatible - so this works with every runtime to have a newer/current version there and
    stay with the older CODESYS development system (updating this and all libs and your application means much more risk, aure I agree!)

    Important - just install the Debian file ( not the 3.5SP12 Package in CODESYS)!!!
    (-> Extract it from the Package)

    If you stay on a spcific version - do you even stay on the same Linux Raspbian Version?
    What about the security bugfixes.
    From my option you should have fix cycles where update the whole system (sure man tests are then needed)


  • seedbarrett - 2018-06-20

    Is it possible that it's due to a bad configuration of my computer's RJ45 port ? I had to change it a bit for another project, I wonder if there is any link between it.
    I try to update just the runtime, I can go back to the old one anyway, that's quite safe. I hope I can do an "apt-get install" to get it easy haha

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-06-20

    it is easy either by the update tool in CODESYS to do up and down
    or even go online by ssh and:

    sudo dpkg -i codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.12.20.deb

    sudo dpkg -i codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.10.x.deb

    this sounds like a handle leak...


  • seedbarrett - 2018-06-25

    Hello, it's me again !

    I tried to update my codesyscontrol, but i get an error :

    cannot access archive 'codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.12.20.deb' : No files or directory found
    cannot access archive 'codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.10.X.deb'  : No files or directory found

    I guess that the problem come from a wrong .deb file name, since I can download the one I already got. I'm looking after the file on the website, hoping it will solve everything. But I still don't know how everything broke like this, and why I don't have any task launching

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-06-25

    These Debian files are part of the store package.
    You could download (Raspberry Pi CODESYS Package) it and open it and extract the .deb file which
    ist then the runtime plc part on the pi.

  • seedbarrett - 2018-07-02

    it's seems that i'm unable to update the .deb file neither by using dpkg -i nor using the .package file. When I open it, an app start and install stuff for my PC, but nothing for in .deb format . This is clearly annoying, since thoses files are impossible to find. And in anyway we can be sure this is the problem, because i used to use same version of the lib without any problem, no problems with the others computers runnning THE SAME VERSION WITH SAME LIBS. Everything is fine but this computer. This is really strange, it never happened to me before ...

    Can someone upload this file and send it to me ? To be sure that the problem is somewhere else


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-07-03

    ... you have the package on your pc.

    to extract the deb file out of this package you could rename it to zip.
    - open it - there you find the Debian file for the runtime Installation
    - copy this codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.12.x.deb to
    "c:\Users\<yourwindowsusername>\CODESYS Control for Raspberry PI\Delivery\codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.12.x.deb"
    Then you arfe able to use the Tools - Update Raspberry PI command.</yourwindowsusername>

    The reason why this is different to other pc's:
    1. Is it possible that you have changed the path where the Pi Package is installed to
    2. or you have installed it as different user logged on to windows


  • seedbarrett - 2018-07-03

    I've updated this file, still the same problem. It's a bit annoying.

    Edwin : I think you got something ! My session's name changed, that can be the reason. I'm changing the name back to the first one maybe ? Can my ethernet configuration be the problem too ? I had to change mine a lot, maybe I forgot to change one thing again ?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-07-04

    one question:
    Did you execute this step?
    - copy this codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.12.x.deb to "c:\Users\<yourwindowsusername>\CODESYS Control for Raspberry PI\Delivery\codesyscontrol_arm_raspberry_V3.5.12.x.deb"</yourwindowsusername>
    I swear if you do so you could use the update tool to install the Debian package - ( if the Pi does not apear in the scan - just use it's ip address)



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