valenting - 2024-03-01


I have a problem with Codesys on Raspberry pi with Bullseye
The device is not recognized as a Raspberry pi, as I get this error :
ooops... this runtime was built for RASPBERRYPI. Hardware version or firmware version not supported! (-18, 0x00000BB8, 0xFFFFFFFB)

I'm running Codesys on a compute module 4S with Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye), my kernel version is Linux 5.10.90-v7l+
Codesys version is the latest, released last week (, CODESYS Control V3.5.19.61 for ARM-32Bit - build Feb 22 2024)

I know it works on the same device if I use Raspbian 10 (Buster) with Linux 5.4.81-v7l+ kernel, but for some other reasons I have to use Bullseye.

What can I do ?