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When Keyboard Key is in Hold, then Webvisu is extreme slow and latent

  • Tyro - 2023-01-16

    Hello Everybody,

    i have a very special problem!

    The System is

    Rasperry Pi 4
    Codesys MC for Raspberry 4.6 with Webvisu per Touchscreen.

    I am reading the Keyboard events with evdev for some other things. The problem is when a keyboard Key is on hold, Codesys Touch Screen reaction is extreme latent/slow. Though i can see in events log that the touch events are registered.
    Any Help!

  • Tyro - 2023-01-17

    i think i solved it. I have used the function 'grab' from evdev library to make sure webvisu is'nt hearing these events.
    initials tests are promising. will keep informed.


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