Hi, I'm using Codesys v. 3.5 SP7 with Berghof IEC 2250, and I've got one question.
I've read somewhere that webserver can support up to 100 clients. I want to test it. I've prepared a visualisation already.
My question: is there any counter or method to count number of clients currently connected to webvisu via browser?
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You Need to call this in visutask context 'VISU_TASK'
PROGRAMCountClientsVARÂ Â Â Â Â Â pClient:POINTERTOVisuElems.VisuElemBase.VisuStructClientData;Â Â Â Â Â Â countWebvisu:INT;Â Â Â Â Â Â countAll:INT;END_VAR
WHILE (pClient := VisuElems.VisuElemBase.g_ClientManager.GetNextClient()) <> 0 DO
      IF pClient^.GlobalData.ClientType = VisuElems.VisuElemBase.Visu_ClientType.WebVisualization THEN
            countWebvisu := countWebvisu + 1;
      countAll := countAll + 1;
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Thank u a lot for your answear but I'm a newbie so I need some more explanation
As I understood this part:
PROGRAM CountClients
pClient: POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuElemBase.VisuStructClientData;
countWebvisu: INT;
countAll: INT;
Stood for a structure (DUT) named CountClients.
The second part stands for POU named g_ClientManager.
But if i want to add CountClients to VISU_TASK as a call the program goes into the exception.
And if i would like to add a g_ClientManager as a call in VISU_TASK i can't because its type is TYPE.
What have i done wrong?
I tried with VISU_NO_EXCEPTION_HANDLING but it failed, with 42 errors like Problem during creating a client: we are out of memory.
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Hi, I'm using Codesys v. 3.5 SP7 with Berghof IEC 2250, and I've got one question.
I've read somewhere that webserver can support up to 100 clients. I want to test it. I've prepared a visualisation already.
My question: is there any counter or method to count number of clients currently connected to webvisu via browser?
try it that way:
You Need to call this in visutask context 'VISU_TASK'
countWebvisu := 0;
countAll := 0;
WHILE (pClient := VisuElems.VisuElemBase.g_ClientManager.GetNextClient()) <> 0 DO
      IF pClient^.GlobalData.ClientType = VisuElems.VisuElemBase.Visu_ClientType.WebVisualization THEN
            countWebvisu := countWebvisu + 1;
      countAll := countAll + 1;
Thank u a lot for your answear but I'm a newbie so I need some more explanation
As I understood this part:
Stood for a structure (DUT) named CountClients.
The second part stands for POU named g_ClientManager.
But if i want to add CountClients to VISU_TASK as a call the program goes into the exception.
And if i would like to add a g_ClientManager as a call in VISU_TASK i can't because its type is TYPE.
What have i done wrong?
I tried with VISU_NO_EXCEPTION_HANDLING but it failed, with 42 errors like Problem during creating a client: we are out of memory.