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Unable to see the global text list in codesys device tree

  • manoj - 2020-04-21


    I have some visualizations with static texts in them. It is mentioned in the codesys documentation, that static texts are automatically available and updated in the global text list. However, my problem is that I'm not able to see the global text list at all. Moreover, I opened one of my visualizations and right clicked on the screen, and I found create global text list option. Though I clicked on it, I couldn't see any global text list created. So, is there any way that I I can find global text list?


  • m.prestel - 2020-04-21

    Hello @manoj,

    the globaltextlist can be found under POU not devices.

    Best regards,

    • manoj - 2020-04-21


      It is not even visible under POUs.


      • m.prestel - 2020-04-21

        What codesys version are you using?
        Could you attach the project please?

        Thx a lot.
        Best regards,

        • manoj - 2020-04-21

          I'm using codesys V3.5 SP 15 PATCH 3.


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