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Codesys WebVisu like a HMI

  • damian177 - 2022-01-16

    I done my HMI+PLC apllication on RPi using - ComfilePi - Industrial Raspberry Pi Panel PC.

    It possible that this soultion provide work stability on web browser ?

    I run my application. Works perfectly for several hours, but next day my browser page is suspended. the reason can be is the browser? what do you guys think?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-01-16

    maybe, check the plclogger for more information.Is it possible to open on another browser, device if this device/browser is suspended?

  • damian177 - 2022-01-16

    I do not see any errors. It is possible to export logger ? In attachments I send three screen but without errors...
    On another browswer I will check next time.

  • damian177 - 2022-01-17

    So far, 12h works without a problem ... We are still waiting

    Do you know any PLC working with Codesys with two or more RS232 - where all ports are programmed by SysCom form Codresys ?

  • damian177 - 2022-01-19

    Looks like after a few days of work in the browser in RPi there is a lack of resources, because:
    -from codesys I can login
    -I can't login to Pi by SSH
    Probably problem with web browser cache.

    Oryginally I run my app by command:
    @chromium-browser --kiosk --start-fullscreen http://localhost:8080/webvisu.htm

    Now I try run in incognito mode, with command:
    @chromium-browser --kiosk --start-fullscreen --private-window --app=http://localhost:8080/webvisu.htm

    @eschwellinger - Can you think that can be solution form my problem ?


    Last edit: damian177 2022-01-19
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-01-20

    Others reported the same problem on chromium browser - but I have no feedback on the final solution.

    • vincentger - 2022-02-02

      Is there a browser you can confirm it is working on without any issues? We have the same problem as damian177 on the chromium browser after a few days.

  • vincentger - 2022-02-02

    @damian177 is there already any news on your tests? We have a similar issue with the visualisation quiting after x days/time. I have not tried firefox yet but i am running the chromium in icognito already and that didnt seem to help.

  • damian177 - 2022-02-02

    I was using firefox-esr but worked much worse. I came back to chromium browser:

    @chromium-browser --kiosk --start-fullscreen --incognito --disk-cache-size=1 --app=http://localhost:8080/webvisu.htm

    In my application on this webbrowser the memory rise about 4% around the clock. So I restarting webbrowser everyday on midnight (takes up to about 5 seconds). To this function I use script:

    pkill -o chromium
    chromium-browser --kiosk --start-fullscreen --incognito --disk-cache-size=1 --app=http://localhost:8080/webvisu.htm

    powered by crontab:

    0  0    * * *   pi      DISPLAY=:0 /bin/sh /home/pi/kiosk.sh
  • m.prestel - 2022-02-03

    I was investigating high memory usage of chromium when running the CODESYS Webvisu.
    I was able to reproduce the memory increase without the CODESYS Webvisu as well and reported this observation to the panel OEM.

    Right now I can just recommend restarting the browser every x hours until the bug in chromium is fixed.

    Best regards,


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