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Visu crashes with combobox

  • captaincookie - 2021-12-16


    I'm using Codesys V3.5 SP17 Patch 2, my device is a cincoze industial PC with Windows 10 21H1 OS. The visu version is I made a project with Softmotion RTE V3 x64 and added a target visu. When I insert an integer combobox in this visu, link it to a textlist and a variable, the visu crashes when I click on the box in the visu on the device. The processor load gets incredible high for the size of the project and Codesys gets disconnected (means lost connection). In the attachment you can find my example project and a screenshot of the system config of the runtime when this project is loaded. For this small project with minimal content the processor load reaches more than 50%. The settings for the runtime are the default ones for the RTE Softmotion version.
    It does not make a change to use an other visu version. The error occures only when textlist and variable are linked to the combobox. Inserting the combobox without the link to variable and textlist, the visu works and processor load is a few percent.
    Has anyone an idea how to fix that or what might be the reason for it?
    Thanks in advance.


  • captaincookie - 2021-12-16

    here is the screenshot, I missed it in the previous post

  • m.prestel - 2021-12-16

    du hast die Textliste falsch konfiguriert.

    So wäre es richtig.


  • captaincookie - 2021-12-16


    Danke, das habe ich voll übersehen. Jetzt funktioniert es :D

    Viele Grüße.


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