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Previous Visualisation

  • jkobi - 2021-10-26

    Hello, I am trying to do something with codesys actually I use CurrentVisu to change visualisation but I would like to use the button on my HMI to come back to the visualisation right before the new one

    How can I do it ?

  • jkobi - 2021-10-26

    I forgot to say that I only want it in ST

  • jkobi - 2021-10-26

    That's what I mean I do not want to do it in the visualisation but inside of the Structured Text program

    Do you have any idea to do so ?

  • m.prestel - 2021-10-26

    Could you maybe explain what you are trying to do?
    Why would you want to adjust the visu without a user input to a previous visualization?

    Best regards,

  • jkobi - 2021-10-27

    Hello I am doing some test, I know that I wont have a touchscreen I only have have the touch of the screen (there is 6 button) so I try to move between visualisation without using the button of visualisation I try to do it with Structured text like when I am using CURRENTVISU to switch visualisation to a specific one but I want to use one button to be the "come back" button so I would like to know if there is a command that can be use to come back to the previous visualisation in structured text

  • m.prestel - 2021-10-27

    Currently there is no way to access the last visu without knowing the client.

    Starting with Visu Package the VisuUtils provide acess to the previous and next visu name for a client.

    You could wrap the access to VisuElems.CurrentVisu in a function/FB and store the last visu in there.

    Best regards,


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