Newly created texlists wont appear in the selection dropdown

  • jari-koivuluoma - 2024-09-19

    When I create a new textlist in Codesys 3.5 SP19 Patch 5, it wont appear in the dropdown menu at Rectangle element > Dynamic texts > Text list. If I just type the name of the textlist to the field (in quotes), I get an error saying that some file is missing.

    Any good ideas what to do and what is going on. I recently updated to that version and I only now noticed this when I needed to add a new textlist so Im quite screwed with this not being able to add text lists.

    While im typing this, I tried copying an existing list and modifying it and it seems to show.

    Any ideas?

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2024-09-28

    Only idea I have is that new textlists are not loaded with an online change. When you add them, maybe you always have to do a full download first.

  • bjarne-pagaard - 2024-12-16

    I just had the same problem in 3.5 SP19 Patch 6. Trying to use a textlist for Combobox Integer element. The textlist cannot be selected in the IDE, and is not found when manually entering the name. The textlist is copied to the device, but is not used.

    Can confirm, that copying an existing textlist and renaming it does work.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-12-17

    Guess you need to update Visualization Support Package to latest version ( in case you are using CODESYS Visualization


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2024-12-18

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