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  • manjuhgowda - 2021-06-28

    I am new to Codesys, i created a recipe and was trying to read/write recipe using "RecipeManCommands". But i am getting a error and attached image is the error message. Could any one please help me in solving this issue and help me in reading/writing the recipe.

  • manjuhgowda - 2021-06-30

    Thanks for the support. Since I am running the application in simulation mode, in device select I updated to "CODESYS softmotion win v3 64". After running the application, if I click the button the operation is not performing. Is I am wrong in selecting the device or something else. Could you please help me.

  • m.prestel - 2021-07-01

    To be honest I am not sure if the simuliation has a real file system which allows the recipe commands to write files. Have you tried it with a normal PLC?


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