HMI SL - Runtime shutdown by on screen command

  • MarcoDiBella70 - 2019-07-25

    Hello Everybody, my first post here.
    I can't find my way to add an on screen command (it's a touch panel) to shut down the HMI runtime just like "Alt+F4" would do.
    That's because it happens that there's no keyboard connected.
    Thanks for you help.

  • m.prestel - 2019-07-29

    Hello Marco,

    you can add the library ComponentManager and then use CMShutdown(0).

    Best regards,

  • MarcoDiBella70 - 2019-07-30

    Hello Marcel,
    thanks for your reply, but I still can't make it:
    I added the library Componentmanager, then added a pushbutton with the properties shown in the attached image, compiled, downloaded into target, the button is there but on click nothing happens.
    Any suggestion?
    Thanks, Marco

    IMG: ShutDownButtonProperties.jpg

  • m.prestel - 2019-07-30

    Hello Marco,

    no, that should work.

    Please report the issue in the store using the "my question" feature (

    Best regards,

  • MarcoDiBella70 - 2019-08-02

    they say it's a well known issue.
    The suggestion is to use the taskkill function.
    I've decided to write a simple file:

    and execute it by means of my on screen command:

    And all went good...
    Hope this helps,

    IMG: Bat Execute.jpg

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-08-04

    another option would be to use
    close only the HMI screen ( not the HMI itself):
    "C:\Program Files\3S CODESYS\GatewayPLC\VisualClientController.exe" --application=Application --flags=2

    open it again:
    "C:\Program Files\3S CODESYS\GatewayPLC\VisualClientController.exe" --application=Application --flags=1
    guess better then the hard way


  • m.prestel - 2019-08-05

    MarcoDiBella70 hat geschrieben:
    they say it's a well known issue.

    My bad, I tested it with a HMI, which was not installed as a service and there it worked fine...

    Best regards,


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