I saw that in version Visu Plugin there is a new approach to user management - now Visu User Management mapping on Runtime User Management. I also see that there is a new item in the "Web-visualization" node - "Login visualization" and there is a new visu in VisuUserMgmt library - "VUM_LoginVisualization".
But I don't understand how to use this "login visualization" and how see it.
Please point me in the right direction.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I tried this example (ApplicationRuntimeBased") and immediately see in web-visu "Visualization" screen (as in attach screenshot) without "LoginVisualization".
I use CODESYS Control Win V3 (32-bit,
What should I check to understand the reason for this behavior?
Not sure, did you read the the how to?
Notes for "ApplicationRuntimeBased":
In the "ApplicationRuntimeBased" application, user management is already available ONLY with the group set, as users have to be created directly on the device.
You will therefore have to create some users and assign them to the various groups.
You can find how to do it in: https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Development%20System/_cds_handling_user_management_on_plc.html
The "Visualization" contains as frame the common visualization "VisualCommon" and a couple of elements that are only visible with the correct access rights.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Maybe good to know is that you can quite easily create your own login pages, but some steps have to be followed:
Add user management functionality (based on runtime access as you showed in your mp4 video).
Add a Visu which will be your default login page and set the correct properties for this (similar to defining a visu as a dialog)
Then refer to this visu in the WebVisu settings (similar to what you did in your mp4 video)
And now for some magic: the text of you input fields and buttons should contain their function between $$ signs. This I really don't understand, but hopefully somebody of the CODESYS team can explain them
timvh, greats thanks for your info and project.
One important question - should I see my "Login Visualization" instead of "DefaultLogin" from your first screenshot, right?
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I saw that in version Visu Plugin there is a new approach to user management - now Visu User Management mapping on Runtime User Management. I also see that there is a new item in the "Web-visualization" node - "Login visualization" and there is a new visu in VisuUserMgmt library - "VUM_LoginVisualization".
But I don't understand how to use this "login visualization" and how see it.
Please point me in the right direction.
@eschwellinger, m. prestel: I appeal to your mercy.
Last edit: helshi 2022-06-10
Still interested in answer.
I faced the same problem.
Last edit: kislov 2022-06-24
maybe the updated examples should help:
I tried this example (ApplicationRuntimeBased") and immediately see in web-visu "Visualization" screen (as in attach screenshot) without "LoginVisualization".
I use CODESYS Control Win V3 (32-bit,
What should I check to understand the reason for this behavior?
Last edit: kislov 2022-06-24
Not sure, did you read the the how to?
Notes for "ApplicationRuntimeBased":
In the "ApplicationRuntimeBased" application, user management is already available ONLY with the group set, as users have to be created directly on the device.
You will therefore have to create some users and assign them to the various groups.
You can find how to do it in:
The "Visualization" contains as frame the common visualization "VisualCommon" and a couple of elements that are only visible with the correct access rights.
Sure, i did it.
Last edit: kislov 2022-06-24
Continuing to study this problem, I saw such an error in the PLC log. What does she mean?
You only get to see this, if the general access to the web visu should or is protected.

So then normally you will see the DefaultLogin.
In your case add the following to the CODESYSControl.cfg and restart your PLC because this will add this standard protection:
Maybe good to know is that you can quite easily create your own login pages, but some steps have to be followed:

Add user management functionality (based on runtime access as you showed in your mp4 video).

Add a Visu which will be your default login page and set the correct properties for this (similar to defining a visu as a dialog)

Then refer to this visu in the WebVisu settings (similar to what you did in your mp4 video)

And now for some magic: the text of you input fields and buttons should contain their function between $$ signs. This I really don't understand, but hopefully somebody of the CODESYS team can explain them
Last edit: TimvH 2022-06-25
Maybe also good to have a demo project. See attached. So you need at least CODESYS 3.5 SP18 with the Visualization package
timvh, greats thanks for your info and project.
One important question - should I see my "Login Visualization" instead of "DefaultLogin" from your first screenshot, right?
Yes, you should see the one from the library you selected.
Yes, you should see the one from the library you selected.
Thank you, with your project and tips I got the desired result.