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Visualisation Element Slider

  • Tyro - 2021-12-03

    I have a question regarding the Visualisation Control 'Slider'.
    Is it possible to set the value of assigned Variable to Zero or some default value, the moment finger is taken away from Slider Control.

    Options like "On MOuse Leave" would do the purpose. But Unfortunalety it is not available.
    Plese help!

  • Tyro - 2021-12-03

    i even thought of TouchDetection Example but if i use TouchControl function then i have to define a rectangle which would render this control practically not usable.....

  • Tyro - 2021-12-03



    Last edit: Tyro 2021-12-03
  • sgronchi - 2021-12-03

    You can also build the slider yourself if your display tells you touchscreen coordinates and you do not plan to support mouse.

    It's a bar (= rounded rectangle), a line and some math on touch coordinates.

  • Tyro - 2021-12-05

    hi, Thx a lot.
    i still have a following question. Is it possible to know my touch coordinates irrespective of knowledge of current visu?


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