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Alarm filtering latch variables

  • marc-p - 2023-06-30


    I have an issue in the Alarm Table to make the filter by Latch Variable.
    I copy the same configuration in the project example "Alarm filter by latch" and used the codesys online-help but I don't understand why it doesn't work.
    When I run the project example with the same plc configuration, same alarm group, same codesys version and libraries, it's working.
    But, when I try the same way on my project. The filtering doesn't work. I lost all alarm present on the Alarm Table when I use the String filter for Latch content.
    As told in the help, I declared the variables in the GVL but still doesn't work when I applied them on the alarm table.

    I checked the task configuration and it seems ok.
    I don't really why from a program to another there is a different behavior at all and where it could make this difference.

    Thanks in advance for any help !

  • ben1 - 2023-07-04

    Hello again,

    Could you send screenshots of the alarm group and the settings on the alarm visu through?
    Hard to say what is wrong if we cannot see.

  • marc-p - 2023-07-04

    See in attachments the screenshots, I show you this example with a dummy alarm I just created in the Alarm Group.
    So, you have the settings of the parameter within the GVL and the Alarm Table configuration.

    And, also the code used for filtering the alarm with Latch var "Fault" which make the alarm table empty (we should still have the dummy alarm)

    So, seems like the filter is working but the variable for filtering is not taking into account (I tried WSTRING and STRING with "" or '')
    But, the variable is well settled in the simulation (screenshot of the GVL).

    The codesys version is the v3.5 SP18 Patch 4.

    So, I concluded that the alarm filter by latch is not working on my codesys software. But, I tried to run the example project of the latch variable from Codesys, and surprise, this one work very well for filtering alarm with latch var.
    I even tried to import my whole alarm configuration and it worked !
    So, I don't see where the difference is between my project and the project example.
    (I checked all project settings to see if I missed something, but nothing)

    Thanks in advance for your help

  • ben1 - 2023-07-05

    I gotta be honest, this one is a bit strange!

    With the exact same setup mine works.

    The only thing I could say is I see in your offline GVL snip there are the time filter variables and on the alarm table config you haven't showed those settings - you haven't accidently doubled up with both?

  • marc-p - 2023-07-05

    Yeah it is !

    I've got a support from a wago technician and he told me that something is corrupted in my project.
    Even, when I make a project by myself with just the alarm table and alarm manager, it make the same problem.
    So, I'm guessing I have an issue inside my installation.


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