URGENT: Codesys HMI SL License lost

  • agarcia - 2020-11-01

    Hi, I installed the HMI license on a windows 7 PC and after a few days the application started to crash. When checking the license in Codemeter on the computer, the invalid license activation message is displayed (image attached). However, when I check the status of the license in the link below, it appears as activated.


    After consulting the Codemeter team, they tell me that I need to speak directly to Codesys.

    Can someone give me a quick answer? The customer has the machine stopped and I need a response as soon as possible.

    Thanks in advance.

  • m.prestel - 2020-11-02

    Please use the support directly via https://store.codesys.com/ and use the feature My Question.

    Best regards,

    • agarcia - 2020-11-02

      I sent an email last week to My question, but I haven't received an answer.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-11-02

    I see an email from today 7:30 and you have a answer on this request.
    use the repair button to bring machine up again and send the ticket number of your license to the support case.
    Was there any change in hardware on this machein?


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2020-11-02
    • agarcia - 2020-11-02

      Could you forward the email to me at this address, adriangarciavalero2018@gmail.com. I'm having troubles with the other address.

      When I try to repair I get an irreparable license message.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-11-02

    for licenseing issues you could even request to support@codesys.com....


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