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Continuous Updating of Text Fields in Popup

  • rckalex - 2021-11-15

    It seems that text fields link the text variables utilized in a pop-up display the value that was present when the pop-up was loaded but do not update as the value changes. I am calling up the "popup" by using the "Open Dialog" option on a mouse down event. Is it possible for the text field in such a popup to stay current?


    Last edit: rckalex 2021-11-15
  • rickj - 2021-11-16

    The official answer is to use the VAR_IN_OUT_AS_POINTER attribute a described in the help. I sometimes have trouble getting this to work and instead pass in parameters as 'POINTER TO' or 'REFERENCE TO' data types.


    • rckalex - 2021-11-16

      Thanks for the info! VAR_IN_OUT_AS_POINTER worked as documented for me. I'll fall back to the other suggestions if that falls apart. Thank you!


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