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Visu symbols directory?

  • jeffersonhui - 2020-08-13

    Hi, which directory are the default Codesys Visualization 'Symbols' images located in? I am using 3.5 v14.

  • Morberis

    Morberis - 2020-08-14

    They are part of the VisuSymbols library.

    \CODESYS\Managed Libraries\System\VisuSymbols

    You can't edit that library though. I don't think the images themselves are stored anywhere but in the compiled library.

    If you wanted to modify them take a look at the symbols and icons you can get at thenounproject.com


    Last edit: Morberis 2020-08-14
  • yannickasselin - 2022-02-10

    Hi, Is it possible to change the color of the symbols?


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