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CSV read with ifmFileUtil.ReadCSVData

  • japi - 2022-03-29

    I am using ifmFileUtil.ReadCSVData to read CSV that is being filled with records during program execution. I noticed that first records are read pretty fast but as the record number increases readout time grows significantly. I am reading the file 7 records at a time and reading first seven records takes about <1s, but with record numbers over ~100 reading SINGLE record takes >1s. Did anyone encounter such problem? I have to read CSV that will have about 1000 records and display 7 records at a time on the HMI. I can't imagine how long will it take to display 7 500ish records, not to mention greater numbers...
    Thanks a lot for any help!

  • abdel - 2022-09-21

    Did you figure out your issue?


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