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Webvisu Font difference

  • vaclav - 2022-05-19

    I am using webvisu in my project to access HMI via web browser. I keep all the requirements from documentation. It works fine, but the text (originally Arial in my text visu elements) is shown as New Times Roman. Even if I try various browsers... It can be "forced" in the Web Browser setting (e.g. Edge "Standard font" setting).
    Problem is, that I aim to use Microsoft Kiosk Browser app and there is no chance to modify a font setting.
    What can be a root cause for the font being changed?

    Thanks a lot for all the deep thoughts.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2022-06-18

    Maybe your device doesn't have the arial font. Try to check this or install it on your device.


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