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XY chart display only a portion of a curve

  • augustaseltva - 2021-03-25

    Hello everyone,

    is there a way when using XY chart, that when a data array elements equal to a specific value, I dont display that section of the curve, or lets say, change the color of it? I have a real datatype array of size 300, and from 0 to 120 element I have normal values, but from 121 to 299 I have zeros, hence I dont want to display that portion. Think of it as a trace :) I've attached a screenshot below.

  • augustaseltva - 2021-03-25

    As I posted this, I thought of a solution, simply write an IF statement, where you check if the value is equal to zero, if it is, then the x axis max value is determined by the index of the last element before the zeros :)


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