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How to get current visu?

  • ryusoup - 2022-11-14


    Does any one have any idea how to get current Visualization while multiple clients are accessible to WebVisu?
    I have tried to use VisuElems.CURRENTVISU, but its value seems to be shared with other clients on WebVisu.
    How can I know shown Visualization of each clients of WebVisu and control it sepalatedly?

    Best regards,


    Last edit: ryusoup 2022-11-14
  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2022-12-20

    You can use the "Visu Utils" library to iterate over all clients and through the interface of each client get the current visu.

  • ryusoup - 2022-12-26

    I didn't know this library... OK, gonna try with it.

    Thank you for your reply.


    Last edit: ryusoup 2022-12-27
  • ryusoup - 2022-12-27


    The post is very good to me!
    Ah hah, it's on Deutsch forum...

    Thank you.

  • PaRo - 2022-12-27

    I think the example will help you but very much! If your Visu clients in the project have a defined Ip address, you could even filter for it and apply certain actions only to this client!


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