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Changing properties of visualisation element e.g. x-position at runtime

  • paelzer - 2022-08-08

    Hello everyone.
    I am programming a smart home automation, especially I turned my attention to the trace-functionallitiy.
    I created a visu <mytracevisu>, put a groupbox on it and on that two traces <mytracevisu_trace0> and <mytracevisu_trace1>. Via binary signal I can set a trace to <unvisible>. In this case I want to increase the heigth of the remaining trace-element to the heigth of the groupbox(at runtime). So I used, according to the dot notation, the expression <mytracevisu.geneleminst_8.position.x:= 450;=""> with GenElemInst_8 as the system-created elemantname of -MyTraceVisu_Trace0-. But the compiler threw four error-messages: e.g. -identifier MyTraceVisu not defined-. But the object <mytracevisu> really exists. What I'm doing wrong? I hope somebody can help me
    best regards
    Herbert Koob</mytracevisu></mytracevisu.geneleminst_8.position.x:=></unvisible></mytracevisu_trace1></mytracevisu_trace0></mytracevisu>


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