Web Visu - Multiple CLient instances.

  • arrotek - 2022-10-07


    Does anyone know if it is possible to connect to same instance of Web Visu from two different remote computers and have the ability to view different web pages in each of the remote computers.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-10-07

    sure..there is an example here on forge I guess

  • rickj - 2022-11-06

    Essentially you have to do the "session management" yourself. Any variables used to manage screens/sessions need to be arrays indexed by the client id.

    For example I've declared the following variable on one of my main screens. The screen contains a Frame set and I use Frame[VisuElemBase.CurrentClientId] to select the desired frame. Each client has its own id an so each can be independently viewing frame.

        Frame           : ARRAY [0..gHMI.MAXCLIENTS] OF USINT;

    The same has to be done for any variables used to manage screens for a specific client.


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