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Version 2.5 SP18 -> Visualisation Elements missing Input Configuration Options

  • beaker - 2022-06-08

    Hello All,
    I have just installed SP18 to start testing for new projects and I have found that the input configuration options for visual elements is missing.
    For example, I have a button and I am looking at the properties tab and there is only toggle, tap and Hotkey in the input configuration area?

    How do I access the Onclick etc. options?

  • beaker - 2022-06-08

    FYI, I meant V3.5

  • thecolonel26 - 2022-07-16

    did you try toggling the "advanced" check box?
    did you try restarting?

    just curious

  • j-a-y - 2024-04-22

    were you able to resolve it?


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