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  • jkopicz - 2021-06-10

    Is this interface supported?
    I created a function block that implements IGestureEventHandler3, in the methods I have placed simple code to count how often the method is executed. I have done the same with the IHandleMouseEvent.

    in my program I have the code:
    GestureEvent : GestureHandler;
    MouseEvent :MouseEvent;
    xInit: BOOL := TRUE;

    IF xInit THEN
    xInit := FALSE;

    With this code the mouse events do increment the counters, the gesture events do not. Any ideas?


  • m.prestel - 2021-06-11

    Hey jkopicz,

    I can simply say that IGestureEventHandler3 is used.
    Maybe your client is not sending any gestures?
    Is multitouch active in the visu manager?
    Is your client not supporting gestures?
    Are there no areas defined where a gesture can occur?

    Another small tip, use "Call after visu initialization" (see https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_visu_obj_manager;product=core_visualization;version= to register your event handler

    Best regards,

  • jkopicz - 2021-06-11


    I am using the Control Win 64 as the client, multitouch is activated. I am no sure what you mean by defined area for gestures. The main visu has a frame. Thank you!

  • jkopicz - 2021-06-11

    Update, I found the multi touch example project and that got the flick working. From what I have seen Spread Pinch is not yet supported. Is this something that will be?

    • m.prestel - 2021-06-30

      Currently no plans to implemend spread pinch detection.
      Right now we don't need them in any visualization elements.

      Best regards,


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