Is web visualization possible offline?

  • soulrobox - 2016-11-08

    Hello everybody

    I'm working on a simple project with Codesys on Raspberry pi 3.
    I have created, with web visualization, a switch that turn on and off a LED and all work fine.

    I would know if it's possibile to use the web visualization when the raspberry doesn't have an internet connection.
    If I close Codesys Software on the PC, the program on Raspberry does not stop, but if I disconnect the raspberry wi-fi the program immediatly stopped. I have use this IP addres for visualization on browser: 192.168.18:8080/webviso.htm
    I need to use the web visualization whitout internet conncetion. Is it possibile?
    Are there other ways to do this?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-11-09


    this is an error, should be possible to use webvisu via localhost
    but at the .oment it does not work.
    Need to be fixed.
    Maybe it is woth to check if a tap or tun device will workaround this you could give this a try.


  • soulrobox - 2016-11-09

    Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
    Maybe it is woth to check if a tap or tun device will workaround this you could give this a try.

    Sorry but what you mean?

    There are other ways to have this webvisu, mybe on a window that isn't the browser?
    There is a way to contact the developers and ask them to resolve the problem?

    Not a good situation for me


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-11-09


    There are other ways to have this webvisu, mybe on a window that isn't the browser?
    no... i just want so say. I have no time at the moment to search for a workaround, I try to motivate you to search a workaround
    by using a tap device, no glue if this is possible.

    There is a way to contact the developers and ask them to resolve the problem?
    hm.. does not really help, error is tracked but with low priority at the moment.. so i see not date when it will be fixed.

    Plan B:
    my question is: If you use a PI3 ... is it possible to have to act as dummy hotspot to have a valid IP... then it will work


  • Mani-H - 2019-12-13

    i have the same problem,
    is there already any solution?


  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2019-12-14

    Try or localhost:8080

    When you turn your WiFi off you lose that IP, so it makes sense you can't get the webpage from its WiFi IP


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