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Relative movement of line in WebVisu is bugged

  • unzu - 2021-06-11


    I am trying to depict the state of a machine with lines in a web-visualization.
    The lines symbolise arm-parts of a roboter - by passing relative offsets I move those arm-parts.

    The following images show a MWE of what I am attempting to do: tmp1 is used to move the lower point of a line on the horizontal axis:

    With an offset of 0, the line is perfectly vertically aligned:

    After setting the offset to 5, the line appears to be cut:

    Refreshing the vizualization (reloading page in browser) leads to proper display of the line:

    Resetting the offset back to 0 leads to even more confusion:

    I fear that this behaviour is some kind of bug of the web-visualization - Am I doing anything wrong or is there some kind of work-around for this problem?

    Your help and time is appreciated!
    Thank you.

    Edit: how do I show my attached images in the text?


    Last edit: unzu 2021-06-11
  • m.prestel - 2021-06-30

    You think you can provide an example application?

    Looks like a clearing issue.

    Best regards,


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