Translation - How to get text as reference in Frames translated?

  • macros8 - 2023-12-01

    Hi all,

    I need a help. I want to create Frame where some parameters are done via reference input to this frame.
    What I have realized that if I use for Label/Caption etc. string variable (%s) it is not included in translation list.

    This is a quite a big deal and I did not find way how to add text to the list manually.

    Would you give me a hint how to proceed? I hope there is a way (workaround) how to do it.

    Thanks a lot.

  • marekxc - 2023-12-29

    Show a simple example of what you're doing. What and where are you changing?
    Maybe this link will be useful to you"

    • macros8 - 2024-01-02

      Hi, thanks for the link.
      Maybe I create elements in incorrect way.
      I always use Interface Editor to create variables which are used inside element (see pics).
      After that I place element in my visu and use Reference property to link variable or set the value.

      In that case the value of string is not transferred to general text list for translation as I mentioned before.

      Do I have to all properties which influence behavior of my element create in Frame configuration instead? WhatΒ΄s the difference to the Interface editor?

      Thanks a lot.

    • macros8 - 2024-01-03

      one more point. I have been able to create Property of Text which is added to Global text list so itΒ΄s fine. But as soon as I use Frame configuration I lose all other properties but some very basics.
      I need to have still possibility to set Input configuration because my element is Button.

      Do you know how to make visible all standard properties + my own properties created in Frame configuration?

      Thanks a lot.


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