extend the s1 variable to an array of strings.
Then increase the index after the ip is ccopied to s1[i] in the while loop.
The while loop iterates trough all filtered web visu clients.
Important hint: Don't miss to reset the index before starting the iteration loop ;-)
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
The solution use GetNextClient, but SP17 produce a warning. This method is obsolete. How replace this by VisuUtils ?
I don't find in library VisuUtils....What is the real name ?
This solution don't detect if codesys softwar is connected to webvisu: is it possible to detect it ?
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Some boby can help me to add resolution detection with project example "Visu Util Iterate" ?
I don't understand how work method and pointer THIS ou SUPER ?
I this resolution are in "pClient.pClient^.rClientRect.ptBottomRight.iX or iY, but how catch them ?
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Is it possible pour know address iP of current user of webvisu ? Or name of computer ?
Thanks for your answer.
ok it work for the highter CurrentClientId, but I want store IP for heach client ID in array.
How can I do this ?
extend the s1 variable to an array of strings.
Then increase the index after the ip is ccopied to s1[i] in the while loop.
The while loop iterates trough all filtered web visu clients.
Important hint: Don't miss to reset the index before starting the iteration loop ;-)
I put in array of string value of iP from variable S1 :
MyArray[pClient^.GlobalData.GlobalClientID].my_iP := s1;
Thank you very much.
Is it possible to know name of computer?
The solution use GetNextClient, but SP17 produce a warning. This method is obsolete. How replace this by VisuUtils ?
I don't find in library VisuUtils....What is the real name ?
This solution don't detect if codesys softwar is connected to webvisu: is it possible to detect it ?
Hello @galexis,
attached you can find an example applicaiton using visu utils (note this example is not made by me but it works fine)
Best regards,
Very good code ! It work fine !
Is it possible to know resolution of client's screen to adjust display ?
https://forge.codesys.com/prj/codesys-example/responsive-desi/home/Home/ shows how to react to new clients resolution.
Some boby can help me to add resolution detection with project example "Visu Util Iterate" ?
I don't understand how work method and pointer THIS ou SUPER ?
I this resolution are in "pClient.pClient^.rClientRect.ptBottomRight.iX or iY, but how catch them ?