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zoom webvisu on mobile phone.

  • dumpfbacke - 2023-01-24

    want to zoom my webvisu using on mobile phone.
    so that means if i run webvisu in browser on desktop pc i am able to zoom it. using webvisu on mobile zooming is not possible. i tried several different browsers on my mobile, no effect.

    what can i do?
    thanks for hepl

  • open - 2023-02-01


    I am having this question too i cant seem to zoom and scroll in my webvisualization on my android tablet. Anyone know how to do it?

    Warmest regards,

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-02-01

    I would give this a try to remove...

    • dumpfbacke - 2023-02-01

      thanks for this hint.
      i tried, does not have any effect, visu is still not zoomable on android.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-02-01

    please unselect the "Multitouch-Bedienung"

    • dumpfbacke - 2023-02-01

      thanks, thats it. now its zooming well.

  • romainldc - 2023-02-07

    Hi, can we have a feedback of the zoom value ?


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