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Codesys visualization file transfer

  • augustaseltva - 2021-03-12

    Hello everyone,

    I am trying to do so, that a user could click a button in web visualization and download an alarm list in CSV format, which I store in PLC flash memory (I am using Schneider M241 PLC and Ecostruxure Machine Expert software). I use the File transfer option, which is in the input configuration property. However, when I click the button in web visualization, nothing happens, I get the error code 7, which says "No device support for file transfer". Does anyone had any similar issues and can provide some solutions to make this work? I haven't found any answers yet on google.

  • Morberis

    Morberis - 2021-03-12

    Looking up File Transfer on the help page I see this info on error 7.

    Possible causes:

    CODESYS WebVisu: By default, file transfer is not possible.

    What you can use is the File.Copy from the CAA File Library and have the button execute that. I find it handy because if everything (external to the PLC) is setup correctly it lets you transfer files across the network and can be triggered several ways.


    Last edit: Morberis 2021-03-12

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