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visu functions from library

  • tvm - 2021-03-25

    Is it possible to use functions from the VisuElems library within my own library?
    My idea was to create some functions to open/close dialogs, change the displayed visu, get information from clients, etc, and put them all in my own library so I don't have to copy and paste code all the time. But I'm having issues with using the functions from the library. They work when copied into a project, but not from the library. Some functions crash, some just don't work. Any issues with this concept?

  • tvm - 2021-03-25

    When did VisuUtils become available? I'm using Schneider Machine Expert, which is based on Codesys 3.5.12, but I don't have that library.

  • m.prestel - 2021-03-25

    VisuUtils is available since but idk which features are available in such an old version.

    Best regards,


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