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User Management (Configuration Dialog)

  • bossjosh21 - 2023-02-21

    Hello Guys I want to ask if anyone knows how to make the User that you add in your Configuration to appear in a text variable. I already make to appear the User whose login by using VisuElems.CurrentUsername . Does anyone knows the variable that will be used for those User that you Add. Please see the File Attachment

  • PaRo - 2023-02-21

    maybe you can find something in this example:

    • bossjosh21 - 2023-02-22

      Thank you very much PaRO. I will look into this project.

      • awatson - 2023-11-17


        I have just posted on a topic - about the reference for the element you have taken a screen shot for - "REFERENCE TO VisuUserMgmtProvider" https://forge.codesys.com/forge/talk/Visualization/thread/0591457fe4/ - do you know anything about it?


        Last edit: awatson 2023-11-17

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