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Rotating a bar display?

  • jeffersonhui - 2020-01-29

    Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to rotate a bar display to an angle that is NOT horizontal or vertical? For some of my other elements, like "rectangle", there is a property tab called "Absolute movement" which contains "interior rotation" that allows me to rotate an the object. However, the bar display does not have an "Absolute movement" property. See attached screenshot.


    IMG: no_Absolute_movement.png

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-01-29

    Does it help when you check the Advanced checkbox?

  • jeffersonhui - 2020-01-29

    It does not unfortunately. When I toggle "Advanced," only the extra the properties "Center" and "Positioning" show up for bar display. My rectangle elements do have the "Absolute movement" property option with interior rotation though.

    I attached images of the bar display and rectangle elements with the "Advanced" toggle checked.


    IMG: rectangle.png

    IMG: bar_display.png

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-01-29

    Ah, then this is only supported with client animations, which is only supported with WebVisu at the moment.
    1. Delete target visu
    2. Open Visualization manager
    3. Tick "Preview: Support client animations and overlay of native elements"
    4. the Absolute Movement is now available.

    If you need target visu, well we're out of luck at the moment, I believe.


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