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  • Tyro - 2022-09-26

    Hello Everybody,
    I am using Codesys Raspberry Pi MC. I want to show a video of format mp4 in my Visualisation in a Loop as Background. Is It possible, if yes how?

  • oguzemretombul - 2022-10-05

    Create a html and put video on same location. Call html on browsercontrol element. And you can play video, i attached screenshots.
    (by the way, your visualizations stays back of html page, whit this way you can not use like background)


    Last edit: oguzemretombul 2022-10-05
  • anuj9326 - 2023-03-28

    Any possibility that the folder of video is on the usb stick and run the video by refering src to relative path. It works only when the video is in Visu folder but what if the video is in the external drive for example usb stick ?

  • jclavier - 2023-05-21

    If you want to run a video away from the Visu folder, then you need to put it in another Web server. For example you can install Apache (with Xampp for example) on any webvisu client (any PC where a webvisu will be running in a web explorer). Add the video and the html file called "video.html" in "C:\xampp\htdocs\dashboard".

    Finally put a browsercontrol element with the link http://localhost/dashboard/video.html


    Last edit: jclavier 2023-05-21

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